709 area: Newfoundland and Labrador
807 area: Northern Ontario
867 area: Yellowknife, (including Dettah), Behchokǫ̀, and Whatì
Local 10-digit dialing
Starting April 1, 2023, residents and businesses in Newfoundland & Labrador (709 area code), in northern Ontario (807 area code) and in three exchanges of Yellowknife, (including Dettah), Behchokǫ̀ and Whatì (867 area code), will have to adopt 10-digit dialing – the area code followed by the phone number – for all local communications. This dialing method has been successfully implemented in all other regions in Canada.
The introduction of 10-digit dialing is the result of a decision by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). This new dialing method is required for enabling the introduction of a new national 3 digits number ,9-8-8 , for mental health crisis and suicide prevention.
- Local calling areas remain the same
- The 9-1-1 emergency number remains a three-digit number throughout the area
- For your local calls, you will always enter 10 digits (area code + local number)